“A discerning critic Rekha Sethi explores how various hues of feminine sensibility have been put into words by prominent Hindi poetesses. In her, astutely written book Stri Kavita: Paksh aur Pariprekshya, Rekha tries to spell out the contours of the contemporary Hindi feminist poetry with the mark sense of critical acuity. Perhaps, it is the first profound effort to explicate a credible feminist literary poetics in the Indian context with the marked sense of critical penetration and Rekha Sethi deserves accolades.”
– Shafey Kidwai
“आलोचक और संपादक डॉ. रेखा सेठी के अध्ययन क्षेत्रों में मीडिया, जेंडर की अवधारणा और समाजशास्त्र आते हैं। उन्होंने साहित्य की ढेरों विमर्शमूलक कृतियाँ संपादित की हैं जिनमें प्रेमचंद, हरिशंकर परसाई, बालमुकुंद गुप्त और कुँवर नारायण के रचना संसार प्रमुख रहे हैं। समकालीन हिंदी कविता में स्त्री कविता के स्वर को गंभीरता से मूल्यांकन करने के जतन में उन्होंने प्रमुख स्त्री कवियों के लेखन और उनके रचनाकर्म का आधुनिक उदारवादी दृष्टि से मूल्यांकन किया है जो अपनी अकादमिक क्षमता में भी बेहद मूल्यवान है।”
– यतींद्र मिश्र

She has been awarded Vatayan Anatarrashtriya Shiksha Samman UK 2023.
Literary criticism is the main thrust area of the books written by Rekha Sethi. She has particularly engaged with contemporary Hindi poetry and fiction and has effectively used the method of close textual reading in her research. Her focus has been on gender and media studies. In the past few years she has worked on women’s writing trying to understand interconnections between gender and literature. Her two books on advertising look at the concept, production, language and social impact of advertisements.
Click on any of the following books to read more.
International Collaborations
Dr. Rekha Sethi has fostered many international linkages taking Indian literature to various foreign universities. She collaborated with University of Lisbon, Princeton University and Duke University to organise various literary events.
Rekha Sethi has served as a resource person at training programmes and workshops in the field of Translation and Translation Studies. She has translated eminent poets including K. Satchidanandan, Lakshmi Kannan, Sanjukta Dasgupta, Mamang Dei among others. She is the advisor for translation activities of Subhashini Foundation, New Delhi, India and Pashyantee Bilingual, New Delhi, India. She has been associated with the Katha-IGNOU initiative ‘Translating India/ Understanding Diversity’ and served as a jury member for the Sahitya Akademi Translation Prize 2022 in Hindi. She presented several research papers internationally on translation studies, the latest being a collaborative effort with Anoop Bhargava on ‘Translating and Interpreting: Role of Artificial Intelligence’.
Rekha Sethi is a keen researcher with over 100 publications besides her Books and Book Chapters including Research Papers, Research Articles in Literary Journals, Book Reviews, Newspaper Articles and Translations among others.
She has more than 30 Paper Presentations to her credit both at National and International Forums including the ones held at:
Duke University, USA, Indian Consulate, New York, USA, Oxford Business College, London UK, Sofia University, Bulgaria, University of Lisbon, Portugal, Rutgers University, USA, Imperial College, London, UK.
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